
Prior to Spectrum, Jonathan served as a trusted senior counselor to some of the world’s top pharmaceutical brands—both in the UK and domestically. Jonathan graduated from the University of Leicester (UK) with a Bachelor of Science in molecular biology with a focus on immunity and the cellular basis of drug action. 

While studying scientific research, he noticed a gap in how science is communicated to the public, which led to his passion for science storytelling.

After working at both small- and large-sized companies, Jonathan aligned more with the values and business practices of privately held agencies and sought to one day own and operate his own agency. His experience seeing what worked—and what didn’t—helped shape his vision for an agency that could offer a full suite of integrated services under a single P&L, ultimately delivering bespoke solutions to tackle client’s business challenges. 

Today, Jonathan sets the course for Spectrum and serves as an advisor to agency leaders. He works across the leadership team to grow the agency, bolster its capabilities, develop innovative solutions for clients and design an ‘agency of the future’. Jonathan’s goal is to ensure the agency aligns to the needs and priorities of its employees—creating a company that is flexible, forward thinking, creative and one that allows for a customized approach to nurturing its talent.